In A Maze of Death a group of strangers all receive job transfers to a remote planet and await instructions as to the purpose of their colony. We have a mystery on our hands when those instructions don’t arrive, and the members of the group are murdered one by one.
The LSD-inspired plot that follows has a great ending when we find out the colonists have been in a simulated reality all along. They are actually crew members of a ship stranded with no hope of rescue, and so they enter these computer-created artificial worlds again and again, with an amnesia of their actual plight, in order to pass the time before their inevitable death in space.
The religion they all follow in their invented world was generated by the ship’s computer. It resembles Christianity, although with a logic based on the existence of a physical God.
Cast of characters
- Ben Tallchief – Delmak-O’s naturalist
- Seth Morley – Delmak-O’s marine biologist
- Mary Morley – Seth’s wife
- Betty Jo Berm – Delmak-O’s linguist
- Bert Kosler – Delmak-O’s custodian
- Maggie Walsh – Delmak-O’s theologian
- Ignatz Thugg – Delmak-O’s thermoplastics expert
- Milton Babble – Delmak-O’s doctor
- Tony Dunkelwelt – Delmak-O’s photographer and soil-sample expert
- Glen Belsnor – Delmak-O’s electronics specialist and the group’s leader
- Roberta Rockingham – Delmak-O’s sociologist
- Susie Smart – Delmak-O’s clerk
- Wade Frazer – Delmak-O’s psychologist
- Ned Russell – Delmak-O’s economist
Other things to know
- How I Rose From the Dead in My Spare Time and So Can You – their religion’s holy book written by Communist theologian A. J. Specktowsky
- The Intercessor – a Christ-like manifestation of the deity
- The Mentufacturer – the God-like manifestation of the deity
- Walker-on-Earth – the ‘Holy ghost’ manifestation that completes the deity’s trinity
- Form Destroyer – the yin to the deity’s yang