The Exegesis: Folder 87

The Exegesis: Messianic movements

The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick
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November-December 1980

In the encyclopedia Dick reads about Messianic Judaism (groups like Jews for Jesus which combine Christianity with Jewish tradition) and is shocked to realize these are the secret underground Christians which had previously been revealed to him.

Dick believes in a literal Second Coming, which puts him in opposition to Christianity as established by Augustine who rejected that belief in favor of a Christ who ruled spiritually through the church. Aspects of this will show up in the not-yet-published The Divine Invasion (which he is still referring to as VR or Valis Regained). He decides he is part of the revolutionary millennialist group of underground Christians. 

After 11-17-80 he has been unable to make any progress on the intellectual pursuits of his exegesis. God, through infinite bliss, answered all his questions. He has no doubt he encountered the Judeo-Christian concept of a transcendent God. Our struggles are insignificant compared to the infinity which lies ahead. The love he experienced exists above the rational logic of Valis, and he has trouble expressing it through words.