The Exegesis: Folder 67

The Exegesis: Committing to the fight against the Empire

The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick
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December 1981 

Dick was asked to join in political activity against the government and he immediately accepted without any qualms. He claims this shows he is finally healed from the schism in him that was created when he was approached by the FBI back in the 50s. He is choosing what God wants over the “secular authority” that has been competing for his allegiance his whole life. 

The war against nuclear reactors, waste and weapons is the Armageddon he had anticipated since 3-74 which his Tagore vision further revealed to him. He has committed to fighting along side the other Christian revolutionaries against the Empire. After Reagan took office the 2-3-74 prophecy came true. 

He has a new attitude now. He says he has earned self-respect and is rejecting the shame and guilt that has accompanied Christianity in the past.